I didn’t have the title for thiswork, so I just called it “turtle”. In my country, people always calls someonewho study aboard and then come back to their country “sea turtle”. So that’sthe reason I choose to do a turtle. This is one of my identity, it canrepresent me. I used cardboard to make the shape of turtle, because it can belarge enough to project something on it and it’s the one of easiest material Ican get everywhere. For the shell, I only made seven pieces, seven is my luckynumber. I painted whole turtle black, because I thought it will be moreobviously to see colour which projected on it. However, after the critique Ithink I’m wrong, it’s not show that well. To be honest, it really work in thedarkest place. I projected a video on turtle, the content is my basicinformation. In video, I draw a turtle exactly same shape as  cardboard. I coloured shells through thevideo, I just want have some bright colour on it. I introduced my birthday,hometown, gender, people that I cared, my pets, my university and the apps Iwork with. I also added explanations for each content. At the end, there hasthe rest of the shells at the bottle, that represent the rest of my life. Thatwill be colourful too. 


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