“My City” is the name of this work. I tried to express the change of this city because of the NCP (Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) in China. I draw the city first and use green, yellow, orange and red to separate it to four, in order to show a different stage of this disease. Green always means alive, so at the beginning, this city is healthy, everyone is healthy. Then, it changes to the yellow, which express there has something happen, the new pneumonia is appeared and bring negative impact, but not that harmful. After that, orange means it becomes serious, spread fast and people need to do something to protect themselves. At the same time, death is also the result of this horrible thing, although there still has a chance to rescue and treat, I choose red to present it. In the end, it becomes green again. This NCP still impacts a lot of people, not only in China, there was no way to control it for now. However, everyone is trying and helping. Controlling this disease and letting the city or country come back is the hope for everyone, not only me. So, I choose this theme to express my thought about this “accident”. If you look carefully, you will find I draw a heart rate at the bottom. It explains more about the color. The green part has a heartbeat and one person can be seen walking. For the yellow, orange, and red parts, I drew the lungs with the virus, and people showed them with masks and doctors rescued. And during this time the ECG became a line, which meant that the heart stopped beating. Finally, heart rate recovered. This may not about me, but I think it is something that has influenced me for this period. The reason I choose to work with digital painting is that I’m familiar with it first. Secondly, use a black background and those strong colors in digital will have more contrast than painting or other media I think, will be more visually shocking